Stop Erosion Immediately and Grow Vegetation With Our Straw/Coconut Erosion Control Blankets Our Straw/Coconut Erosion Control Blankets are a temporary rolled erosion control product composed of 70% agricultural wheat straw and 30% organic coconut fiber evenly distributed and mechanically stit..
Stop Erosion and Rain/Runoff on Shallow Slopes and Channels with our Jute Matting!Jute Matting is used for temporary erosion control as protection from rainfall/run-off on shallow slopes and channel protection for low risk/low flow channels. Jute matting is the original form of erosion control blank..
Reduce Erosion, Increase Filtration, and Retain Soil with our Straw Wattles!Construction Plastic Supply's straw wattles are made with an agricultural wheat straw matrix using a heavy-duty polypropylene grid casing. They reduce erosion, increase filtration, and retain soil for one to two years, makin..